InstrAttribType Field
Valid values:
1 = Flat (securities pay interest on a current basis but are traded without interest)
2 = Zero coupon
3 = Interest bearing (for Euro commercial paper when not issued at discount)
4 = No periodic payments
5 = Variable rate
6 = Less fee for put
7 = Stepped coupon
8 = Coupon period (if not semi-annual). Supply redemption date in the InstrAttribValue (872) field
9 = When [and if] issued
10 = Original issue discount
11 = Callable, puttable
12 = Escrowed to Maturity
13 = Escrowed to redemption date callable. Supply redemption date in the InstrAttribValue (872) field
14 = Prerefunded
15 = In default
16 = Unrated
17 = Taxable
18 = Indexed
19 = Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
20 = Original issue discount price. Supply price in the InstrAttribValue (872) field
21 = Callable below maturity value
22 = Callable without notice by mail to holder unless registered
99 = Text. Supply the text of the attribute or disclaimer in the InstrAttribValue (872) field