OrdType Field
Valid values:
1 = Market
2 = Limit
3 = Stop
4 = Stop limit
5 = Market on close (No longer used)
6 = With or without
7 = Limit or better (Deprecated)
8 = Limit with or without
9 = On basis
A = On close (No longer used)
B = Limit on close (No longer used)
C = Forex - Market (No longer used)
D = Previously quoted
E = Previously indicated
F = Forex - Limit (No longer used)
G = Forex - Swap
H = Forex - Previously Quoted (No longer used)
I = Funari (Limit Day Order with unexecuted portion handled as Market On Close. E.g. Japan)
J = Market If Touched (MIT)
K = Market with Leftover as Limit (market order then unexecuted quantity becomes limit order at last price)
L = Previous Fund Valuation Point (Historic pricing) (for CIV)
M = Next Fund Valuation Point (Forward pricing) (for CIV)
P = Pegged
*** SOME VALUES ARE NO LONGER USED - See "Deprecated (Phased-out) Features and Supported Approach" ***
(see Volume 1: "Glossary" for value definitions)