PriceType Field
Valid values:
1 = Percentage (e.g. percent of par) (often called "dollar price" for fixed income)
2 = Per unit (i.e. per share or contract)
3 = Fixed Amount (absolute value)
4 = Discount percentage points below par
5 = Premium percentage points over par
6 = Spread
7 = TED price
8 = TED yield
9 = Yield
10 = Fixed cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options)
11 = Variable cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options)
(For Financing transactions PriceType implies the repo type Fixed or Floating 9 (Yield) or 6 (Spread) respectively - and Price (44) gives the corresponding repo rate.
See Volume 1: "Glossary" for further value definitions)