SecurityTradingStatus Field
Valid values:
1 = Opening Delay
2 = Trading Halt
3 = Resume
4 = No Open/No Resume
5 = Price Indication
6 = Trading Range Indication
7 = Market Imbalance Buy
8 = Market Imbalance Sell
9 = Market On Close Imbalance Buy
10 = Market On Close Imbalance Sell
11 = (not assigned)
12 = No Market Imbalance
13 = No Market On Close Imbalance
14 = ITS Pre-Opening
15 = New Price Indication
16 = Trade Dissemination Time
17 = Ready to trade (start of session)
18 = Not Available for trading (end of session)
19 = Not Traded on this Market
20 = Unknown or Invalid
21 = Pre-Open
22 = Opening Rotation
23 = Fast Market