YieldType Field
Valid values:
AFTERTAX = After Tax Yield (Municipals)
ANNUAL = Annual Yield
ATISSUE = Yield At Issue (Municipals)
AVGMATURITY = Yield To Average Maturity
BOOK = Book Yield
CALL = Yield to Next Call
CHANGE = Yield Change Since Close
CLOSE = Closing Yield
COMPOUND = Compound Yield
CURRENT = Current Yield
GROSS = True Gross Yield
GOVTEQUIV = Government Equivalent Yield
INFLATION = Yield with Inflation Assumption
INVERSEFLOATER = Inverse Floater Bond Yield
LASTCLOSE = Most Recent Closing Yield
LASTMONTH = Closing Yield Most Recent Month
LASTQUARTER = Closing Yield Most Recent Quarter
LASTYEAR = Closing Yield Most Recent Year
LONGAVGLIFE = Yield to Longest Average Life
MARK = Mark To Market Yield
MATURITY = Yield to Maturity
NEXTREFUND = Yield To Next Refund (Sinking Fund Bonds)
OPENAVG = Open Average Yield
PUT = Yield to Next Put
PREVCLOSE = Previous Close Yield
PROCEEDS = Proceeds Yield
SEMIANNUAL = Semi-annual Yield
SHORTAVGLIFE = Yield to Shortest Average Life
SIMPLE = Simple Yield
TAXEQUIV = Tax Equivalent Yield
TENDER = Yield to Tender Date
TRUE = True Yield
VALUE1/32 = Yield Value Of 1/32
WORST = Yield To Worst
(Note tag # was reserved in FIX 4.1, added in FIX 4.3)