ExecutionSimulator Class

Class ExecutionSimulator.
public class ExecutionSimulator : Provider
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public ref class ExecutionSimulator : public Provider^, 
public IExecutionSimulator^
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public class ExecutionSimulator 
extends Provider 
implements IExecutionSimulator
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Name Description
Public constructor ExecutionSimulator(Framework) Initializes a new instance of the Provider class.
Name Description
Public property Auction1
Public property Auction2
Public property AutoReconnect Gets or sets the auto reconnect. (inherited from Provider).
Public property AutoReconnectInterval Gets or sets the reconnect interval. (inherited from Provider).
Public property BarFilter
Public property CheckDataProvider
Public property CheckSubPositions
Public property CommissionProvider
Public property Description (inherited from Provider).
Public property Enabled (inherited from Provider).
Public property FillAtLimitPrice Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill at limit price].
Public property FillAtStopPrice
Public property FillLimitOnNext Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill limit on next].
Public property FillMarketOnNext Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill market on next].
Public property FillOnBar Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill on bar].
Public property FillOnBarOpen
Public property FillOnLevel2 Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill on level2].
Public property FillOnQuote Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill on quote].
Public property FillOnTrade Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill on trade].
Public property FillStopLimitOnNext Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill stop limit on next].
Public property FillStopOnNext Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill stop on next].
Public property Id Gets the identifier. (inherited from Provider).
Public property IsConnected (inherited from Provider).
Public property IsConnecting (inherited from Provider).
Public property IsDisconnected (inherited from Provider).
Public property IsDisconnecting (inherited from Provider).
Public property Name Gets the name. (inherited from Provider).
Public property PartialFills
Public property Probability Gets or sets the probability of filling for limit orders.
Public property Queued
Public property SlippageProvider
Public property Status Gets the status. (inherited from Provider).
Public property Url (inherited from Provider).
Public property UseProbability Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fill limit orders with probability]. The condition works when tick.price == order.price
Name Description
Public method Cancel(string) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Clear()
Public method Connect(int) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Connect() Connects this instance. (inherited from Provider).
Public method Disconnect() Disconnects this instance. (inherited from Provider).
Protected method Dispose(bool) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Dispose() (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitAccountData(AccountData) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitAccountReport(AccountReport, bool) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitAccountTransactions(AccountTransactionList) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitData(DataObject, bool) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitError(Exception) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitError(int, int, string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitError(string, params object[]) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitError(string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitExecutionReport(ExecutionReport, bool) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitHistoricalData(HistoricalData) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitHistoricalDataEnd(HistoricalDataEnd) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitHistoricalDataEnd(string, RequestResult, string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitInstrumentDefinition(InstrumentDefinition) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitInstrumentDefinitionEnd(InstrumentDefinitionEnd) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitInstrumentDefinitionEnd(string, RequestResult, string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitLiveExecutionReports(ExecutionReportList) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitMessage(int, int, string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitMessage(string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitPortfolioPerformanceRecords(PortfolioPerformanceRecordList) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitProviderError(ProviderError) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitStatistics(PortfolioStatisticsResultList) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitTransactions(TransactionList) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitWarning(int, int, string) (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EmitWarning(string) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Fill(Order, double, int) Fills the specified order.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method GetProperties() (inherited from Provider).
Protected method GroupInstrumentsBySymbol(InstrumentList) (inherited from Provider).
Public method OnAsk(Ask)
Public method OnBar(Bar)
Public method OnBarOpen(Bar)
Public method OnBid(Bid)
Protected method OnConnect() (inherited from Provider).
Protected method OnConnected() (inherited from Provider).
Protected method OnDisconnect() (inherited from Provider).
Protected method OnDisconnected() (inherited from Provider).
Public method OnLevel2(Level2Snapshot)
Public method OnLevel2(Level2Update)
Public method OnTrade(Trade)
Public method Process(Event) (inherited from Provider).
Protected method Reject(ExecutionCommand, string, params object[]) (inherited from Provider).
Public method RequestHistoricalData(HistoricalDataRequest) (inherited from Provider).
Public method RequestInstrumentDefinitions(InstrumentDefinitionRequest) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Send(ExecutionCommand) Sends the specified command.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetProperties(ProviderPropertyList) (inherited from Provider).
Public method Subscribe(Instrument) Subscribes the specified instrument. (inherited from Provider).
Public method Subscribe(InstrumentList) Subscribes the specified instruments. (inherited from Provider).
Public method ToString() (inherited from Provider).
Public method Unsubscribe(Instrument) Unsubscribes the specified instrument. (inherited from Provider).
Public method Unsubscribe(InstrumentList) Unsubscribes the specified instruments. (inherited from Provider).
Protected method WriteDebugInfo(string, params object[]) (inherited from Provider).
Name Description
Protected field dataQueue (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field description (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field enabled (inherited from Provider).
Protected field executionQueue (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field framework (inherited from Provider).
Protected field historicalQueue (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field id (inherited from Provider).
Protected field instrumentQueue (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field name (inherited from Provider).
Protected field sync (inherited from Provider).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field url (inherited from Provider).

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