Strategy Class

public class Strategy
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public ref class Strategy 
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
public class Strategy
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public method AddExchangeReminder(DateTime, object)
Public method AddInstrument(Instrument)
Public method AddInstrument(Instrument, IDataProvider)
Public method AddInstrument(int)
Public method AddInstrument(string)
Public method AddInstruments(InstrumentList)
Public method AddInstruments(string[])
Public method AddReminder(DateTime, object)
Public method AddStop(Stop)
Public method AddStrategy(Strategy)
Public method AddStrategy(Strategy, bool)
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string)
Public method Buy(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Buy(Instrument, double, string)
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, double, string)
Public method BuyLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyLimit(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyOrder(Instrument, double, string)
Public method BuyPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyPegged(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyPeggedOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStop(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method BuyStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method Cancel(Order, string)
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, OrderSide, string)
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, string)
Public method CancelAll(OrderSide)
Public method CancelAll(string)
Public method Deposit(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy.
Public method Deposit(double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime.
Public method ExecuteMethod(string)
Public method GetModeAsString()
Public method GetParameter(string)
Public method GetParameters()
Public method GetRootStrategy()
Public method GetStatusAsString()
Public method GetStrategy(string)
Public method GetStrategyById(int)
Public method Group(string, string, Color)
Public method Group(string, string, double)
Public method Group(string, string, int)
Public method Group(string, string, string)
Public method HasLongPosition(Instrument)
Public method HasLongPosition(Instrument, double)
Public method HasPosition(Instrument)
Public method HasPosition(Instrument, PositionSide, double)
Public method HasShortPosition(Instrument)
Public method HasShortPosition(Instrument, double)
Public method Init()
Public method Log(DateTime, double, Group) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DateTime, double, int) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DateTime, double, string) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DateTime, string, Group) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DateTime, string, int) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DateTime, string, string) Obsolete.
Public method Log(DataObject, Group, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(DataObject, int, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(DataObject, string, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(Event, Group, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(Event, int, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(Event, string, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(PortfolioStatisticsResult)
Public method Log(double, Group, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(double, int, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(double, string, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(string, Group, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(string, int, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Log(string, string, Nullable<DateTime>)
Public method Objective()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnAccountData(AccountData)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnAccountReport(AccountReport)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnAsk(Instrument, Ask)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnBar(Instrument, Bar)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnBarOpen(Instrument, Bar)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnBarSlice(BarSlice)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnBid(Instrument, Bid)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnCommand(Command_)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnException(string, Event, Exception)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnExchangeReminder(DateTime, object)
Protected method OnExecutionReport(ExecutionReport)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnFill(Fill)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnFundamental(Instrument, Fundamental)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnInstrumentAdded(Instrument)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnInstrumentRemoved(Instrument)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnLevel2(Instrument, Level2Snapshot)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnLevel2(Instrument, Level2Update)
Protected method OnMetaData(Instrument, MetaData)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnNewOrder(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnNews(Instrument, News)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderCancelRejected(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderCancelled(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderDone(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderExpired(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderFilled(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderPartiallyFilled(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderRejected(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderReplaceRejected(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderReplaced(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnOrderStatusChanged(Order)
Protected method OnParameterChanged(Parameter, Parameter)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnPendingNewOrder(Order)
Protected method OnPortfolioStatistics(PortfolioStatisticsItem)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnPositionChanged(Position)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnPositionClosed(Position)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnPositionOpened(Position)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnPropertyChanged(OnPropertyChanged)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnProviderConnected(Provider)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnProviderDisconnected(Provider)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnProviderError(ProviderError)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnReminder(DateTime, object)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnSendOrder(Order)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStopCancelled(Stop)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStopExecuted(Stop)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStopStatusChanged(Stop)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStopStatusChanged_(Stop)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStrategyEvent(object)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStrategyInit()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStrategyStart()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnStrategyStop()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnTrade(Instrument, Trade)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnTransaction(Transaction)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnUserCommand(string)
Protected method OnUserEvent(Event)
Public method Order(Instrument, OrderType, OrderSide, double, double, double, string)
Public method Reject(Order)
Public method RemoveExchangeReminder(DateTime)
Public method RemoveInstrument(Instrument)
Public method RemoveInstrument(Instrument, IDataProvider)
Public method RemoveInstrument(int)
Public method RemoveInstrument(string)
Public method RemoveReminder(DateTime)
Public method RemoveStrategy(Strategy)
Public method Replace(Order, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Replace(Order, double, double, double, string)
Public method Replace(Order, double, string)
Public method Respond(DataObject)
Public method Respond(DataObject, int)
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string)
Public method Sell(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Sell(Instrument, double, string)
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string)
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, double, string)
Public method SellLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellLimit(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellOrder(Instrument, double, string)
Public method SellPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellPegged(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellPeggedOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellStop(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method SellStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method SellStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method SellStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method SellStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string)
Public method SellStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string)
Public method Send(Order)
Public method Send(Order[], Provider)
Public method SendStrategyEvent(object)
Public method SetParameter(string, object)
Public method Withdraw(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy.
Public method Withdraw(double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime.
Name Description
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field framework
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field raiseEvents

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