InstrumentStrategy_ Class

public class InstrumentStrategy_ : Strategy_
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public ref class InstrumentStrategy_ : public Strategy_^
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public class InstrumentStrategy_ 
extends Strategy_
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Name Description
Public property AccountDataManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Asks (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property BarFactory (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Bars (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Bids (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ClientId (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Clock (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataSimulator (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Enabled (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Equity (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property EventManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ExecutionProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ExecutionSimulator (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Framework (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property FundamentalProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Global (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property GroupManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Id (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Instrument
Public property InstrumentManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Instruments Gets the InstrumentList. Used for read only. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property IsInstance (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Mode (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Name (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property OrderManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Parent (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Portfolio (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Position
Public property ProviderManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Status (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Strategies (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property StrategyManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Subscriptions (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Trades (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Type
Name Description
Public method Add(Instrument, IDataProvider)
Public method AddExchangeReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method AddReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method AddStop(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyOrder(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Cancel(Order, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, OrderSide, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(OrderSide, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Deposit(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Deposit(double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method ExecuteMethod(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetParameter(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetParameters() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetRootStrategy() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetStrategy(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, Color) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, double) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, int) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasLongPosition()
Public method HasLongPosition(double)
Public method HasPosition()
Public method HasPosition(PositionSide, double)
Public method HasShortPosition()
Public method HasShortPosition(double)
Public method Init() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, Group) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, int) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, string) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, Group) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, int) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, string) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(PortfolioStatisticsResult) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Objective() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAccountData(AccountData) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAccountReport(AccountReport) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAsk(Ask) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBar(Bar) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBarOpen(Bar) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBarSlice(BarSlice) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBid(Bid) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnException(string, Event, Exception) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnExchangeReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnExecutionReport(ExecutionReport) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnFill(Fill) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnFundamental(Fundamental) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnInstrumentAdded(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnInstrumentRemoved(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnLevel2(Level2Snapshot) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnLevel2(Level2Update) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnMetaData(MetaData) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnNewOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnNews(News) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderCancelRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderCancelled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderDone(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderExpired(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderFilled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderPartiallyFilled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderReplaceRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderReplaced(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderStatusChanged(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnParameterChanged(Parameter, Parameter) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPendingNewOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionChanged(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionClosed(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionOpened(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPropertyChanged(OnPropertyChanged) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderConnected(Provider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderDisconnected(Provider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderError(ProviderError) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnSendOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopCancelled(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopExecuted(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopStatusChanged(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyEvent(object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyInit() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyStart() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyStop() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnTrade(Trade) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnTransaction(Transaction) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnUserCommand(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnUserEvent(Event) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Order(Instrument, OrderType, OrderSide, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Reject(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(int) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Replace(Order, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Replace(Order, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellOrder(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Send(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Send(Order[], Provider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SendStrategyEvent(object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SetParameter(string, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Withdraw(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Withdraw(double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime. (inherited from Strategy_).

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