SellSideStrategy_ Class

public class SellSideStrategy_ : Strategy_
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public ref class SellSideStrategy_ : public Strategy_^, 
public IExecutionProvider^, 
public IDataProvider^
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public class SellSideStrategy_ 
extends Strategy_ 
implements IExecutionProvider
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public property AccountDataManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property AlgoId
Public property Asks (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property BarFactory (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Bars (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Bids (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ClientId (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Clock (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property DataRouteId
Public property DataSimulator (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Enabled (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Equity (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property EventManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ExecutionProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ExecutionRouteId
Public property ExecutionSimulator (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Framework (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property FundamentalProvider (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Global (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property GroupManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Id (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property InstrumentManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Instruments Gets the InstrumentList. Used for read only. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property IsConnected
Public property IsConnecting
Public property IsDisconnected
Public property IsDisconnecting
Public property IsInstance (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Mode (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Name (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property OrderManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Parent (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Portfolio (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property ProviderManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Status Gets the status.
Public property Strategies (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property StrategyManager (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Subscriptions (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Trades (inherited from Strategy_).
Public property Type
Name Description
Public method Add(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Add(Strategy_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Add(InstrumentList) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Add(int) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Add(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Add(string[]) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method AddExchangeReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method AddReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method AddStop(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Buy(short, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyOrder(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method BuyStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Cancel(Order, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, OrderSide, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(Instrument, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(OrderSide, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method CancelAll(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Connect(int)
Public method Connect() Connects this instance.
Public method Deposit(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Deposit(double, byte, string, bool) Deposits specified amount of currency to portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Disconnect() Disconnects this instance.
Public method EmitAsk(Ask)
Public method EmitAsk(DateTime, int, double, int)
Public method EmitBar(Bar)
Public method EmitBid(Bid)
Public method EmitBid(DateTime, int, double, int)
Public method EmitExecutionReport(ExecutionReport)
Public method EmitLevel2Snapshot(Level2Snapshot)
Public method EmitLevel2Update(Level2Update)
Public method EmitTrade(DateTime, int, double, int)
Public method EmitTrade(Trade)
Public method ExecuteMethod(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method ExecutionReportDropCopyAck(string)
Public method GetParameter(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetParameters() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetRootStrategy() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method GetStrategy(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, Color) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, double) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, int) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Group(string, string, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasLongPosition(Instrument) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasLongPosition(Instrument, double) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasPosition(Instrument) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasPosition(Instrument, PositionSide, double) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasShortPosition(Instrument) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method HasShortPosition(Instrument, double) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Init() (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, Group) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, int) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, double, string) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, Group) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, int) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DateTime, string, string) Obsolete. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(DataObject, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(Event, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(PortfolioStatisticsResult) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(double, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, Group, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, int, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Log(string, string, Nullable<DateTime>) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Objective() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAccountData(AccountData) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAccountReport(AccountReport) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnAsk(Ask) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBar(Bar) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBarOpen(Bar) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBarSlice(BarSlice) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnBid(Bid) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method OnCancelCommand(ExecutionCommand)
Protected method OnException(string, Event, Exception) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnExchangeReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnExecutionReport(ExecutionReport) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method OnExecutionReportDropCopy(ExecutionReportDropCopy)
Protected method OnFill(Fill) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnFundamental(Fundamental) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnInstrumentAdded(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnInstrumentRemoved(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnLevel2(Level2Snapshot) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnLevel2(Level2Update) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnMetaData(MetaData) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnNewOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnNews(News) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderCancelRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderCancelled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderDone(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderExpired(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderFilled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderPartiallyFilled(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderReplaceRejected(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderReplaced(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnOrderStatusChanged(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnParameterChanged(Parameter, Parameter) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPendingNewOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionChanged(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionClosed(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPositionOpened(Position) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnPropertyChanged(OnPropertyChanged) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderConnected(Provider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderDisconnected(Provider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnProviderError(ProviderError) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method OnProviderEvent(SellSideProviderEvent)
Protected method OnReminder(DateTime, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method OnReplaceCommand(ExecutionCommand)
Public method OnSendCommand(ExecutionCommand)
Protected method OnSendOrder(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopCancelled(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopExecuted(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStopStatusChanged(Stop_) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyEvent(object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyInit() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyStart() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnStrategyStop() (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnSubscribe(Instrument)
Protected method OnSubscribe(InstrumentList)
Protected method OnTrade(Trade) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnTransaction(Transaction) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnUnsubscribe(Instrument)
Protected method OnUnsubscribe(InstrumentList)
Protected method OnUserCommand(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Protected method OnUserEvent(Event) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Order(Instrument, OrderType, OrderSide, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Reject(Order) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(Instrument, IDataProvider) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(int) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Remove(string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Replace(Order, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Replace(Order, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, OrderType, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Sell(short, Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellOrder(Instrument, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellPegged(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStop(short, Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(IExecutionProvider, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimit(short, Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopLimitOrder(Instrument, double, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SellStopOrder(Instrument, double, double, string) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Send(ExecutionCommand)
Public method SendStrategyEvent(object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method SetParameter(string, object) (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Subscribe(Instrument)
Public method Subscribe(InstrumentList)
Public method SubscribeReports(ExecutionReportRequest)
Public method Unsubscribe(Instrument)
Public method Unsubscribe(InstrumentList)
Public method UnsubscribeReports()
Public method Withdraw(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy. (inherited from Strategy_).
Public method Withdraw(double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws specified amount of currency from portfolio account of this strategy at the current DateTime. (inherited from Strategy_).

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