Account Class

Represents a multicurrency trading account
public class Account
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public ref class Account 
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public class Account
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Name Description
Public constructor Account(Framework) Initializes a new instance of the Account class.
Name Description
Public property CurrencyId Gets or sets the base currency of this account.
Public property Parent
Public property Positions Gets the list of account positions.
Public property Transactions Gets the list of account transactions.
Public property UpdateParent
Public property Value Gets the value of portfolio account.
Name Description
Public method Add(AccountReport)
Public method Add(AccountTransaction, bool) Adds an account transaction to this account.
Public method Add(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Creates and adds an account transaction to this account.
Public method Add(Fill, bool) Adds an account transactions created from order fill to this account.
Public method Add(double, byte, string, bool) Creates and adds an account transaction to this account at the current datetime of the framework
Public method Clear()
Public method Deposit(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Deposits an amount of currency to this account.
Public method Deposit(double, byte, string, bool) Deposits an amount of currency to this account at the current datetime of the framework.
Public method GetByCurrencyId(byte)
Public method GetValue(byte)
Public method Withdraw(DateTime, double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws an amount of currency from this account.
Public method Withdraw(double, byte, string, bool) Withdraws an amount of currency from this account at the current datetime of the framework.
A trading account holds a list of open account positions and a list of account transactions (deposit or withdraw). A sequence of account transactions added to the trading account builds up account positions. Each open account position represents an amount of a currency accumulated in the trading account. There is a base currency that can be set for a trading account. The account value is converted to the base currency with the help of framework currency converter.

Account is usually used in conjuction with the Portfolio class.

<seealso cref="Portfolio.Account" />

In this article
