DataServer Class

Class DataServer.
public class DataServer : IDisposable
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public ref class DataServer  : public IDisposable^
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public class DataServer 
implements IDisposable
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Name Description
Public constructor DataServer(Framework) Initializes a new instance of the DataServer class.
Name Description
Public property TapeMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether [tape mode].
Name Description
Public method AddDataSeries(Instrument, byte, BarType, long) Adds the data series.
Public method AddDataSeries(string)
Public method Close() Closes this instance.
Public method DeleteDataSeries(Instrument, byte, BarType, long) Deletes the data series.
Public method DeleteDataSeries(string)
Public method Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public method Flush()
Public method GetDataSeries(Instrument, byte, BarType, long) Gets the data series.
Public method GetDataSeries(string)
Public method GetDataSeriesList(Instrument, string)
Public method Open() Opens this instance.
Public method Refresh()
Public method Save(Instrument, DataObject, SaveMode, DataSourceId) Saves the specified instrument.
Name Description
Protected field framework
Protected field tapeMode The tape mode

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