Fill Class

Represents a portfolio transaction that corresponds to a partial or complete order fill
public class Fill : DataObject
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public ref class Fill : public DataObject^
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class Fill 
extends DataObject
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Name Description
Public constructor Fill() Initializes a new instance of the Fill class.
Public constructor Fill(DateTime, Order, Instrument, byte, OrderSide, double, double, string) Initializes a new instance of the Fill class.
Public constructor Fill(ExecutionReport) Initializes a new instance of the Fill class.
Public constructor Fill(Fill) Initializes a new instance of the Fill class.
Name Description
Public property CashFlow Gets the cash flow.
Public property Commission Gets the commission.
Public property CurrencyId Gets the currency identifier.
Public property DateTime Gets or sets the date time. (inherited from Event).
Public property Instrument Gets the instrument.
Public property NetCashFlow Gets the net cash flow.
Public property Order Gets the order.
Public property Price Gets the price.
Public property Qty Gets the quantity.
Public property Side Gets the order side.
Public property SubSide Gets the order sub side.
Public property Text Gets the text.
Public property TypeId Gets the type identifier of this object.
Public property Value Gets the value.
Name Description
Public method Clone() (inherited from DataObject).
Public method GetSideAsString() Gets the side as string.
Public method ToJSON() Returns a JSON formatted String that represents this instance. (inherited from Event).
Public method ToString() Returns a String that represents this instance.
Name Description
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field dateTime (inherited from Event).

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