QuoteSeries Class

Class QuoteSeries.
public class QuoteSeries : IDataSeries
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public ref class QuoteSeries  : public IDataSeries^, 
public IEnumerable<Quote^>^
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Name Description
Public constructor QuoteSeries(string, int) Initializes a new instance of the QuoteSeries class.
Public constructor QuoteSeries(int) Initializes a new instance of the QuoteSeries class.
Name Description
Public property Count Gets the count.
Public property Description
Public property FirstDateTime Gets the first date time.
Public property Item(int) Gets the Quote at the specified index.
Public property LastDateTime Gets the last date time.
Public property MaxLength
Public property Name
Name Description
Public method Add(Quote) Adds the specified quote.
Public method Clear() Clears this instance.
Public method Compress(InputType, BarType, long)
Public method Contains(DateTime)
Public method GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Public method GetIndex(DateTime, IndexOption) Gets the index.

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