TimeSeries Class

Represents a time series of double data
public class TimeSeries : ISeries
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public ref class TimeSeries  : public ISeries^, 
public IIdNamedItem^
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public class TimeSeries 
implements ISeries
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public property Count Gets the count.
Public property Description Gets the description.
Public property First Gets the first.
Public property FirstDateTime Datetime of the first item in this time array
Public property Id Gets the id.
Public property Indicators Gets the indicators.
Public property Item(DateTime, SearchOption) Gets or sets the Double with the specified date time.
Public property Item(DateTime, int, SearchOption) Gets the Double with the specified date time.
Public property Item(int, int) Gets the Double at the specified index.
Public property Item(int, BarData) Gets the Double at the specified index and bar data.
Public property Item(int) Gets or sets the Double at the specified index.
Public property Last Gets the last.
Public property LastDateTime Datetime of the last item in this time array
Public property MaxLength
Public property Name Gets the name.
Name Description
Public method Add(DateTime, double) Adds the specified date time.
Public method Ago(int) Agoes the specified n.
Public method Clear() Clears this instance.
Public method Contains(DateTime) Determines whether [contains] [the specified date time].
Public method Crosses(TimeSeries, DateTime) Crosseses the specified series.
Public method Crosses(double, int) Crosseses the specified level.
Public method Exp() Exps this instance. The type of this instance must have a parameterless constructor.
Public method GetAsymmetry(int, int, int) Gets the asymmetry.
Public method GetAutoCorrelation(int) Calculate autocorrelation
Public method GetAutoCovariance(int) Calculate autocovariance
Public method GetByDateTime(DateTime, SearchOption) Gets the by date time.
Public method GetCorrelation(TimeSeries) Gets the correlation.
Public method GetCorrelation(TimeSeries, int, int) Gets the correlation.
Public method GetCorrelation(int, int, int, int) Gets the correlation.
Public method GetCovariance(TimeSeries) Gets the covariance.
Public method GetCovariance(TimeSeries, int, int) Gets the covariance.
Public method GetCovariance(int, int, int, int) Gets the covariance.
Public method GetDateTime(int) Gets the date time.
Public method GetExcess(int, int, int) Gets the excess.
Public method GetIndex(DateTime, IndexOption) Gets the index.
Public method GetIntersection(TimeSeries)
Public method GetItem(int) Gets the item.
Public method GetMax() Gets the maximum.
Public method GetMax(int, int) Gets the maximum.
Public method GetMax(DateTime, DateTime) Gets the maximum.
Public method GetMax(int, int, BarData) Gets the maximum.
Public method GetMaxItem() Gets the maximum item.
Public method GetMean() Calculate mean
Public method GetMean(DateTime, DateTime, int) Calculate mean
Public method GetMean(int, int, int) Calculates mean
Public method GetMean(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate mean
Public method GetMean(int, int) Calculate mean
Public method GetMean(int) Calculate mean
Public method GetMedian() Calculates median
Public method GetMedian(DateTime, DateTime, int) Calculate median
Public method GetMedian(int, int, int) Calculates medain
Public method GetMedian(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate median
Public method GetMedian(int, int) Calculate median
Public method GetMedian(int) Calculate median
Public method GetMin() Gets the minimum.
Public method GetMin(int, int) Gets the minimum.
Public method GetMin(DateTime, DateTime) Gets the minimum.
Public method GetMin(int, int, BarData) Gets the minimum.
Public method GetMinItem() Gets the minimum item.
Public method GetMoment(int, int, int, int) Gets the moment.
Public method GetNegativeSeries() Returns new double series with negative data entries from this array
Public method GetNegativeStdDev() Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeStdDev(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeStdDev(DateTime, DateTime, int) Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeStdDev(int, int) Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeStdDev(int, int, int) Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeStdDev(int) Calculate standard deviation of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeVariance(int, int, int) Calculate variance of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeVariance() Calculate variance of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeVariance(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate variance of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeVariance(DateTime, DateTime, int) Gets the negative variance.
Public method GetNegativeVariance(int, int) Calculate variance of negative data entries
Public method GetNegativeVariance(int) Calculate variance of negative data entries
Public method GetPercentReturnSeries() Gets the percent return series.
Public method GetPositiveSeries() Returns new double series with positive data entries from this array
Public method GetPositiveStdDev() Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveStdDev(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveStdDev(DateTime, DateTime, int) Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveStdDev(int, int) Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveStdDev(int, int, int) Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveStdDev(int) Calculate standard deviation of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveVariance(int, int, int) Calculate variance of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveVariance() Calculate variance of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveVariance(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate variance of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveVariance(DateTime, DateTime, int) Gets the positive variance.
Public method GetPositiveVariance(int, int) Calculate variance of positive data entries
Public method GetPositiveVariance(int) Calculate variance of positive data entries
Public method GetReturnSeries() Gets the return series.
Public method GetStdDev() Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetStdDev(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetStdDev(DateTime, DateTime, int) Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetStdDev(int, int) Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetStdDev(int, int, int) Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetStdDev(int) Calculate standard deviation
Public method GetSum() Calculate sum
Public method GetSum(int, int, int) Calculate sum
Public method GetTimeSeriesItem(int)
Public method GetValue(int) Gets the value.
Public method GetVariance() Calculate variance
Public method GetVariance(int, int, int) Calculate variance
Public method GetVariance(DateTime, DateTime) Calculate variance
Public method GetVariance(DateTime, DateTime, int) Gets the variance.
Public method GetVariance(int, int) Calculate variance
Public method GetVariance(int) Calculate variance
Public method IndexOf(DateTime, SearchOption) Indexes the of.
Public method Log() Logs this instance. The type of this instance must have a parameterless constructor.
Public method Log10() Log10s this instance. The type of this instance must have a parameterless constructor.
Public method Pow(double) Pows the specified pow. The type of this instance must have a parameterless constructor.
Public method Remove(int) Removes the specified index.
Public method Shift(int) Shifts the specified offset.
Public method Sqrt() SQRTs this instance. The type of this instance must have a parameterless constructor.
Name Description
Operator Static Addition Implements the +.
Operator Static Addition Implements the +.
Operator Static Addition Implements the +.
Operator Static Division Implements the /.
Operator Static Division Implements the /.
Operator Static Division Implements the /.
Operator Static Multiply Implements the *.
Operator Static Multiply Implements the *.
Operator Static Multiply Implements the *.
Operator Static Subtraction Implements the -.
Operator Static Subtraction Implements the -.
Operator Static Subtraction Implements the -.
Name Description
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field description
Protected field name

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